Without the silence of the dead,
we try to read, in vain,
testimony of dying,
the time we dream of,
with the bones of Ilia, Zaviša, Stojan,
the endless sky leaned the pain for the three brothers,
travels with us uncounted,
it enters the Sebarian and the royal ear,
in the bird, in the impassable forest,
and when there were most of us,
the desert sang with a clear voice on top of the tower,
in the foundation a constellation of stars,
in the pupils a shield of fire,
tower in Ravni Kotari,
your walls are too small,
for the dream that lives in them
Serbian latin:
Bez tišine mrtvih,
uzalud pokušavamo pročitati
svedočanstvo o umiranju,
vreme o kome sanjamo,
uz kosti Ilije, Zaviše, Stojana,
beskrajno nebo prislonilo bol za tri brata,
putuje s nama neizbrojanim,
ulazi u uvo sebarsko i kraljevsko,
u pticu, u šumu nedohodnu,
i kad nas je najviše bilo,
pustinja je jasnim glasom na vrhu kule pevala,
u temelju splet zvezda,
u zenicama ognjeni štit,
kulo u Ravnim Kotarima,
tvoji su zidovi i suviše mali,
za san koji u njima sanuje